Saturday, 10 March 2012

Crank up to a whole new level.

Well,we all know the recent Battlefield 3 has superb graphics and great multiplayer.So great that it supports up to 64 people in a map.There's also another thing that's great.You can do lots of cool things.Such as jumping out of your jet plane,RPG the hell out of an incoming enemy jet then jumping back to your plane!!


How about sniping the other pilot mid air for a jet swap?

Again.LIKE A BOSS!!! 

If you like looking up on gaming gems/easter eggs/whatever that's cool on Youtube like me then go check out Sir Stun_gravy.He plays BF3 like a boss while always practicing to do new and cool stuff.I honestly thought that you can never do stuff like this on BF3 but this videos just changes everything.

Damn,time for me to do stuff like this!! Later!

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